Our Legal note

According to § 5 TMG:( German Act for Telemedia Services):

Alpha Paletten&Boxen
Owner: Johann-Heinrich Ensink
Dorfstr. 77
49849 Wilsum


Phone: (0049) (0)5945-99579-0

Fax: (0049) (0)5945-99579-29

Email: info@alpha-paletten.de

Sales tax ID:

Sales tax identification number according to §27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz:
DE246505765  (German tax law)

Source of information: adapted from imprint generator for  sole proprietorship eRecht24.

Non-liability clauses:

Content liability

Content work has been done with greatest care. However, we cannot be held liable for accuracy, completeness or latest updates. As a provider of services, we are only responsible for our own content set out under article 7.1 TMG.

According to articles 8 – 10 TMG we cannot be held responsible for any information given to us by somebody else As a service provider we can only guarantee the correctness of our own contents due to article 7,1 TMG.

According to articles 8-10 TMG we are not obliged to monitor transferred or stored information made available to us or to investigate for supposed unlawful action.

Lawful obligations regarding the removing or blocking of information remain unaffected.

Any liability into this, however, applies only from the very moment we learn of the specific breach of law. Illegal or unlawful content will then be removed immediately.



Liability for external links

Our website uses external links without having control about their contents. Therefore, we cannot be held responsible for any content of our linked pages.The operator of each linked page has sole content responsibility A screening about potential unlawful contents had been carried out at the time of linking and none had been found at that time.

An ongoing content screening without a tangible proof of breach cannot be reasonably expected. Such unlawful links will be removed as soon as we learn of them.




All material published on this website is, unless clearly indicated to the contrary, subject to German copyright ownership.

Any kind of reprint, in whole or in part, duplication, distribution or any other kind of use beyond the narrow boundaries of copyright law require the author’s/operator’s prior approval.

Copies or downloads from this website are permissible for personal use only, excluding any commercial use.

As far as contents of this website has not been drawn up by the operator itself, third-party rights will apply. Furthermore, third-party content is marked as such.

However, in case of noticing a copyright infringement, we kindly ask to inform us, so that we can remove such unlawful contents immediately.


Information source: Disclaimer eRecht24